Thai-German Consultancy Ltd.
บริษัท-ไทย เยอรมัน

Bird and Pigeon Control

Birds and business don’t mix. Their droppings may create slip and fall hazards, spread disease and damage property. The ongoing cost of cleaning, repair and maintenance can be considerable. So can the cost to your business image. Studies show that the pigeon is the highest ranked bird problem within areas populated by humans, particularly in urban areas. 

Pigeons can be found roosting around easy sources of food and water, such as farms, grain bins, parks, bird feeders, skyscrapers, and most urban areas. They often nest on and in buildings, and various architectural features such as ledges, beams, and signage. Pigeon droppings can be found in abundance anywhere pigeons frequent. Public seating, cars, or buildings are all likely targets for the unsightly, smelly and corrosive droppings. A Large concentration of droppings can kill plants, pollute bodies of water, and contaminate feed. 

The parasites carried on pigeon’s bodies include mites, fleas, mites and ticks. In addition to being a serious health hazard, pigeons can threaten public safety as well, example; in airports, pigeon flocks have actually collided with moving aircraft, resulting in fatalities.Pigeons like to shelter in seemingly inhospitable areas of tall buildings. They will make use of balconies, ledges, flat roofs, guttering and loft spaces in particular, as they are capable of lifting damaged or loose roof coverings to force entry. Your property could be providing an ideal habitat for pigeons.

If they are already nesting on your building, there is a risk they will attract other pigeons too, turning a small problem into a much larger one. Pigeon control on buildings is fairly straightforward, though often labor intensive. The principle is to eliminate their roosting and nesting areas. This is accomplished by installing physical barriers and deterrents that prevent the birds from landing and roosting.

Our Bird Inspection and Control Process

We will schedule an appointment to come out to your property or home.

Our inspection includes:

  • The first thing we will do is consult with you about what's going on and the issues you're having. Your knowledge of where the trouble spots are will help us determine where we need to concentrate our efforts and give us some idea of what to look for.
  • After discussing the situation with the customer, we will conduct a thorough inspection of your property. We look not only for nests and the birds themselves, but how the birds are accessing your property and why they are choosing your building to build their nests.
  • We will remove the birds and nests. Our goal is to make sure your property looks clean and free from the debris and mess that birds leave behind.
  • Once we remove the birds and determine why they are using your property for their nests, we’ll work with you to find a prevention method that will stop them from returning. We use the latest and most effective methods available.

We’ll help you get rid of pest birds and prevent their return to protect your property and your health.